Michele 13th December 2022

Myself and auntie Pat's friendship was forged when at a very young age I stole a bar of Cadbury's chocolate from her fridge, and in my complete contempt for authority proceeded to corrupt and share my loot with their retired police dog, Riga. My criminal career was short lived as an eagle eyed uncle Keith spotted the remains of chocolate wrapper behind the sofa, evidence which after succumbing to uncle Keith's formidable questioning techniques would see me arrested on the site of the crime and placed in handcuffs for 5 minutes whilst I questioned my life choices and wondered why I hadn't covered my tracks better. After moving from Italy, in my teenage years, Auntie Pat became a regular part of my life, the unspoken agreement was that we would show each other respect and we would discuss matters in an intelligent adult manner with facts and listen to what each other had to say. This is when I learnt that often, what you need the most is in the last place you'd go looking for it, she revealed some hard truths and facts I was late to confront whitin myself and helped me resolve issues I'd face later in my adult life. I am very grateful for the time I was able to spend with her growing up and I will miss her dearly.